Medical Facility Cleaning

Medical Facility Cleaning

Our Medical facility cleaning process is based on a top down cleaning methodology designed to ensure every surface has been cleaned and disinfected to achieve complete sterilization throughout the facility. Our job is to ensure the safety of your patients, and we take our job very seriously.

Service We Provide:

Service in this category includes Cleaning, Clean Rooms, Exam Rooms, Operating Rooms, Emergency Rooms, Patient Rooms, X-ray rooms and MRI rooms. In addition we provide Bio hazardous waste product management and recycled programs.
Proper cleaning procedures are important to improve the health for both employees and patients within a facility. Although Environmental Services (EVS) may represent only a small fraction of a Hopsital or medical facility’s budget, the importance of having clean and sterile environments is absolutely critical to the functioning of the facility.

Every member CCS Cleaning is highly trained in proper procedures including the handling of contaminated waste. All waste materials are disposed of properly and safely.